Moving On – Part one Before you move or before you die you should get organized and put your affairs in order. Do this for yourself but also for your family. Whenever I speak to families or clubs, I always emphasize that “The greatest gift you can give to your family (and/or friends) is to…
On Sale Now!…Senior Housing Bargains!
If you, or someone you know, has been putting off looking into a senior housing apartment or community, now may be a good time to get serious about looking to make that move. Rates and offers are the best we’ve seen in many years. Now that Covid is coming under more control and now that…
Make a Difference – Volunteer
Volunteering can give meaning and purpose, especially in the middle of a pandemic. This article from the Washington Post shows how individuals and communities can be instruments of change. Click on this link for a warm and practical story.
Covid Vaccine Available Soon Call Now!
VERY Good News Covid UPDATE! We have checked in with several of the homes and communities and all are making arrangements to have vaccines available for their residents and staff as soon as it arrives. Some will be using third-party providers, others will have direct access. These will be among the first people to receive…
Getting Started: Senior Housing for You
Do I need senior housing and what is it all about? This is a question frequently asked when families are faced with the fact that mom, dad or they themselves are no longer living safely or happily in their current home. We realize that folks usually do not want to leave their present home, but…
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